


How To Make Someone Want To Hook Up With You Again

Have you hooked up with someone, but it seems like they might not want a second round in your bed. XXXConnect has tips to make them want to hook up with you again.


There are lots of different scenarios where this could happen, so we'll have to dig deeper into the question to be completely effective, but the most straightforward way to accomplish this is by telling the person that you had a great time, and that you'd like to do it again. If they're resistant to, or shoot down the idea, you have a steep hill ahead of you, and one that you need to be sure to navigate carefully and respectfully. There are a lot of reasons for someone to want to or not want to hook up with someone again. Hopefully the reasons your hook up is resistant are ones that you can convince them otherwise about. Let's take a closer look at what some of the reasons might be.

How Was It?

This is a little bit delicate, but how was the sex? If it was good (For both of you! That's a very important point.), you're in luck, because that is going to make the repeat hook up much easier. If it wasn't good, we're not going to sugarcoat it; the road ahead is going to be a tough one. If the hook up went off without a hitch, you've probably got the best chance out of anyone trying to get someone to hop up with them again. So congratulations! If you're simply looking to hook up, and not have a relationship, you've already passed the written AND oral exams, so it's just a matter of letting the person know that you want to do it again.


Is A Friendship At Stake?


A lot of hookups happen between friends, and sometimes one or both parties regret it afterwards. They think that it's going to ruin their friendship, or they think back on it and realize that it wasn't something that they really wanted to or should have done. Most friendships get over it, thankfully. But if you've hooked up with a friend, and they decide that it wasn't to their liking, or they don't want to hook up again, unless you have a strong and emotional argument for them to give it another chance, you're then saying that you care more about hooking up with them again than you do with remaining friends. That of course isn't going to go over very well, and you can expect your chances of hooking up again to go down drastically if you make a weak argument for it. Even worse is that you're likely to THEN ruin the friendship. If not ruined, at least greatly diminished.

Did It Even Seem Like A Good Idea The First Time?

Did hooking up seem like a good idea the first time, or was it something that you had your doubts about? If you had your doubts, think back on what it was that you were worried about. Think back and look at why you pushed those doubts to the side. Maybe you thought that the doubts were just a product of self-sabotage. Maybe the moment when you pushed your side aside, was your true moment of self-sabotage.

We get it. Sometimes our libidos take control, and if sex is available to us, even if it might have mild negative effects on pre-existing relationships, we find ourselves with our tongue in someone's mouth, with a "well if they're not worried about it, we don't need to be either" attitude that we then have to reckon with the morning after. If the very first time that you hooked up, you had the thought that it might not be a great idea, you need to hope that that thought was squashed as soon as you began having sex. If it was for you, but possibly not your partner, you should be able to look back on how you originally viewed the hookup, and understand your partner's doubt or hesitation in moving forward with a repeat hookup. Tell them that you felt the same way before, but that the way things have gone down have changed your heart

What Are Your Reasons For Wanting To Hook Up Again?

Why do you want to hook up with this person again? Was there some sort of suggestive behaviour or discussion beforehand that lead you to believe that you were going to try making a relationship out of it? If that happened, and your emotions are running amok, it's well worth (and justified) to ask what's changed for the other party. Before having this conversation though, do yourself a favour and come prepared with a meaningful list of reasons you think that the person should give you a second chance. If you go in with a weak argument, there's little chance that your second hook up is going to happen. If they don't want to do it, you'll need to have an argument worth considering, because they're already halfway out the door.

Why Them Instead Of Someone Else?

Think about why you're so intent on hooking up with them again. The world of online dating has made finding partner's one of the world's easiest tasks. You can have an account setup on a dating site or app within minutes, and on some platforms, a date within a couple more. If hooking up with you seems like a bad idea, or at least like more trouble than it's worth to the other person, you have to look at why you don't feel the same way. Is there a reason that you don't want to just chalk it up to a missed opportunity, and find a new hookup who will be more eager to see what you're all about?

If it's an emotional connection that' has you wanting another chance, you need to figure out why the feeling isn't returned, and if hooking up again is REALLY going to be the thing to make them change their mind. It seems a little more realistic to us that taking a step back might be the smarter move if your end goal is romance.

If you're just incredibly attracted to them, and you just need to hook up with them again to satiate an intense attraction that you feel deep in your bones, it's worth being honest about that too.

Would it be the worst thing in the world to move on (at least temporarily) and spend some time hooking up with other people while your feelings or urges calm down a little bit? It will allow both you and your hook up the chance to gather your thoughts (while still having as much sex as you need), and perhaps revisit the idea of hooking up again. If there was any sort of tense buildup to your getting together, maybe that's just too much pressure right now to do it all over again without any certainty when it comes to the outcome. A little space is often beneficial to both parties in these situations. If they're resistant, and maybe you're not completely clear on why you want it so bad, it can only be a positive.

Don't Pressure Them Too Much

Being pressured isn't fun. The only people that we can think of who enjoy being pressured are professional athletes. They need to push their bodies so incredibly hard that they often need their coaches to be there when they feel like they've run out of energy. The job of the coach is to not let up, and to push them even HARDER, so that they don't quit when their body sends the message to their brain that it's reached its limits. These athletes are special types of people though, who deep down have another reserve of energy and talent to not shut down. Someone who isn't meant to be something special in that way will shut down completely though. Think of a time when you've been at work, and your boss tries to pressure you into working harder or faster, even though you feel like you've put in as much energy as you have to give on that day. It's unpleasant, and you resent your boss. Sometimes you'll push forward and get the work done, but you very rarely enjoy it. When it comes to being pressured to have sex, it's the same thing. You may break someone down by pressuring them, but please trust us when we tell you that that is never what you want to do in order to get some action.

Think about things that you've originally not wanted to do, but then have been pressured into doing. Chances are very good that there aren't many things on that list that you'd consider positive experiences or memories that you'd want to look back on. When trying to pressure someone into hooking up with you again, think of it this same way. They may breath a heavy sigh, and do it just to get you off of their case, but there's a very high likelihood that they'll resent you for the rest of your lives. So be chill, and take a different route.

Knowing When It's Time To Move On

Connected to no trying to pressure someone into doing something they don't want to do, you need to be able to read the signs, and know when you're beat. There are few worse things in the dating world than a tone-deaf and desperate person, who doesn't know when to quit. While it's always great when things work out the way we want them to, and we're able to hook up with the people that we want to, a reality of dating is that sometimes we have to deal with rejection. As we get older, the way that we deal with rejection becomes very important to how successful with are in our love lives. When someone takes rejection gracefully, the door for a potential hookup down the road can stay open just the tiniest bit, because there's no need to slam the door shut. If you aren't good at handling rejection however, and blow up at someone who turns down your advances, they're going to slam the door and lock it three times. Your reputation will be tarnished forever. Even if you come back years later, and you've become an expert at remaining calm, they won't care. So actually listen to what's been said to you. Read the signs, and listen to them.

But THIRD Time's The Charm

Imagine for a moment that you successfully hook up with this person a second time. Is hooking up with you one more time going to be enough, or are you going to get greedy and decide that you need to hook up again after that? If the end result is going to be one more night together, is that what you're stressing over, or are you looking for more? If you're hoping that another hook up will develop into a relationship, you have to consider what you're going to do if in the end, it doesn't. It'll be end of the line. Hard stop. You won't have a leg to stand on if you decide to try and convince them to keep things going. In fact, it'll probably come off as a little scary. In dating, you don't ever want to come off as scary.


It all boils down to being a good communicator. If you want to hook up with someone again, you need to be clear on the reasons why you want to hook up again so badly, and then you have to be able to have an adult conversation with them about these reasons. If they're still not interested, you need to be able to accept that and move on. Getting a resistant person to hook up with you again is tough for anyone, so if things don't go your way, don't take it personally. If they do go your way, consider yourself incredibly lucky, and make sure to not waste this second chance, because not many get it.

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How To Make Someone Want To Hook Up With You Again - XXXConnect

You hooked up with someone, but it seems like they might not want a second round in your bed? XXXConnect has tips to make them want to hook up with you again.

How To Make Someone Want To Hook Up With You Again - XXXConnect