Dating has changed a lot compared to the past especially as with the introduction of technology to dating and relationships. While in modern dating, people are always trying to outdo each other with over-the-top date ideas, there is also a trend towards much simpler dates. These types of one-on-one dates are very romantic which is another reason that they are so popular. One of the recent dating trends for new relationships has been to spend a lot of time at home, getting to know each other without the pressures of the outside world. This is where the dating term "hiberdating" has been created to explain what this new dating trend is and how it really works.
The term "hiberdating" is a combination of the words "hibernation" and "dating". It refers to when you ditch or ignore your friends and family when you get into a new relationship and hibernate with your new partner at home. If you are "hiberdating", you and your new partner do not leave the house or hang out with other people and when you do, you cannot keep your hands off of each other. While this can happen at any time of the year, "hiberdating" is very popular during the colder months because the weather is so bad and many people want to stay inside. For most people, it is too cold to go outside which makes at-home dates and nights a much better option for couples.
"Hiberdating" means a lot of time spent inside, curled up together in bed or on the couch, ignoring everyone else in your life. It helps people get to know each other intimately and find out if they are sexually compatible. This dating trend primarily takes place in the early stages of a new relationship when people cannot keep their hands off of each other and just want to spend all their time at home instead of going out with their new partner. At home, people feel more comfortable and like they can be themselves. It can take a lot of the pressure of a new relationship in the most important stages. However for people who are not in the relationship. "hiberdating" can be very irritating.
"Hiberdating" has multiple stages. The first step is, of course, meeting up with someone new and wanting them to be there every single second of the day. You get excited when they are around and cannot wait to see them again when they leave. This is also referred to as the "honeymoon period" which is the beginning part of a new relationship where everything is perfect and you are happy being around them all the time. You begin to prioritize your new relationship over everything else in your life. It is hard to be away from them because you are so happy to be around them and you invite them over to your place or you go to their place all the time. At this stage, everything they do sexually excites you and you want to spend all day and all night with them. The only time that you go home is when you need clean clothes.
The second stage is when you start turning down events and canceling plans with your friends and your family so that you can stay at home with your new partner. You will probably come up with elaborate excuses for why you cannot meet up with people. Leaving the house at this point feels unnecessary and there is a lot of ordering in or making home cooked meals and watching Netflix. At this stage, you find excuses to spend more time with them at your place or theirs. The only time that you want to leave is so that you can flaunt your new love to the world and show people how happy you are.
The third stage is when your friends get tired of you ditching them and make you feel guilty for ignoring them by messaging you photos of them having fun without you. You eventually decide that you need to make an appearance and agree to meet up with them. Of course, you bring your new partner with you even if you have not let your friends know in advance. This is probably going to make things awkward but you still bring them to meet up with your friends. When you get there, you and your partner cannot keep your hands off of each other which makes everyone else uncomfortable. You can see that your friends are starting to get annoyed with you but you just cannot seem to help yourself. Eventually, after seeing this a few times, they will stop inviting you places until you and your new partner have calmed down.
The final stage of "hiberdating" is when you and your partner finally decide that you should spend time with other people. This could be because you are starting to get bored at home and need a change of scenery or because your friends finally get the hint that you and your partner are partners are attached at the hip and start inviting your partner when you hang out as well. Even though you are hanging out with other people, you never drift far from each other. You hold hands when you walk anywhere, wrap your arms around each other's waists when you are standing together and sit beside each other at every event. To get it even further, you and your partner refer to you by pet names and follow each other everywhere. You know that you are being co-dependent and clingy but neither of you cares. You just want to show off how in love you are to the world.
For people outside of the relationship, "hiberdating" can be very irritating and can seriously affect friendships. This type of relationship is very insular and isolated since it is just you and your new partner. It can cause many problems since you are ignoring your friends or placing your relationship with your partner over your friends. You also ignore your other responsibilities and priorities to spend time with your new partner. This might be good for your relationship but it can damage friendships. Like in all things involved with dating, it is all about balance. You should be able to split your time so that you are spending time with all the people in your life even if it is just going out for dinner or drinks with your friend.
"Hiberdating" can have some positive aspects for people who are inside the relationship. For one thing, there are no outside pressures when you staying inside and spending all your time just with your new partner. This means that there is no one outside the relationship trying to influence your feelings or behaviors. In modern dating, people can be very opinionated especially when it comes to other people's relationships and they like to share their opinions even when other people do not want to hear them. When you have no outside influences, it makes it easier for you to make up your mind about how you feel about your partner and the relationship. Things can get difficult when you let people inside your relationship and most people want to keep their partners to themselves during the first few months.
It is also easier to get to know your partner since you are spending a lot of private time together. This includes cooking together at home, watching movies, listening to music and having sex. All these activities will help give you and your partner a stronger emotional and physical connection. When you are "hiberdating", you are spending a lot of time at home with your partner. In some cases, it is like you are living together which is a serious step in your relationship. You are cooking together, sleeping together and sharing your lives which means that you are considering each other as partners. In some cases, this is jumping ahead in the relationship timeline since you are cohabitating with them. It can accelerate a relationship so that you feel like you are getting to know the person in a deeper way.
If you are looking for long-term relationships or are looking to try exclusive dating, "hiberdating" might be the perfect thing to do. It encourages people to put their relationship especially in the first few months which is crucial to creating a deep and lasting connection. It also teaches you to make your relationship a priority. Since you are spending a lot of time together, you can figure out if you really like the person that you are dating or if you are wasting your time with them. It will also help you figure out if you can live with the person since you are going to be spending a lot of time at each other's places. For some people, the purpose of "hiberdating" is to speed up the relationship process but for others, it is about getting the most out of a casual relationship and casual hookups.
While there are some positives to "hiberdating" it can also cause a lot of problems with your relationships. For your new relationship, sometimes spending that much time together can make it hard for the two of you to develop your own relationships with other people. Spending a lot of time together is good in the beginning to help create a stronger connection between you and your partner but it can also be unhealthy for long-term relationships. This can severely affect your personal happiness which is increased with individual development and social interactions outside of your relationship. When you spend too much time with the same person, it can get boring and you can forget what you loved about them in the first place which can affect how you view and understand your relationship.
If you are worried about "hiberdating", the most important thing to remember is how to balance your relationships. You should make sure that you are putting aside time during the month to go for dinner with your friends or visit your parents. You want to give you and your partner opportunities to see other people so that you are injecting new life into your relationship which will keep it from getting stale. Encourage your partner to go out as well so that you are not worried about them just sitting at home by themselves. Then when you return home, you can talk to your partner about what you did and tell them that you had fun but you were happy to be home as well. Your friends will be happy that they get to see you and your relationship with your partner will be stronger since you know that you can spend time apart and do things that you love without them getting jealous or upset by it.
Having friends is perfect when you need to vent about your partner or when you are having difficulties with your relationship and need their advice. An outside perspective can help you figure out solutions to problems that you might have and give you the chance to talk through situations so that you do not say anything that you might regret. Or, they can just offer a listening ear when you just need some support. Your relationship and your friendship are going to give you different things in your life. When you introduce your partner to your friends, it means that you can hang out together more and you do not have to feel as weird about leaving them at home when you go out. Although, it is best to do this moderation so that your friends do not get annoyed. Make sure that you do not invite your partner along to hang out with your friends unless you have cleared it with them first.
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