How Much Do You Know About STDs? is a super essential sex test to take. In fact, it may be one of the most important sex tests on our site! It's very important to make sure you know as much as possible about STDs!
What Kind Of Lover Are You? is a good sex test to take as it will tell you a lot about yourself and what kind of person you are in the bedroom.
How Good Are You At Foreplay? is a sex test that is almost as essential as the STD test! After all, foreplay is a very important part of any good sexual encounter!
What's Your Sex IQ? may sound like it has to do with math, but don't worry! This sex test is 100% about sex and nothing else. That is just the sort of IQ test we can get behind!
How Sexy Are You? is a sex test that will help you determine just how sexy you are. Yes, just like the name of the test suggests! We like to think everyone is sexy in their own way but this test will help decipher it better!
How Many Shades of Grey Are You Based On Your Sexual Experience? is a sex test that also doubles as a test for super fans of the Fifty Shades Of Grey series!
Is This a Sex Toy or a Piece of Jewelry? is hands down one of the most fun and hilarious sex tests that we have in our entire directory. You may think you know the different between sex toys and jewellery but you'd be surprised!
How Horny Are You? is a simple sex test. But sometimes simple is best! Now, you may be able to answer this question yourself if you're horny or not but it an also be useful to take a sex test too!
Which Chess Piece Matches Your Lovemaking Style? sounds like an odd choice for a relationship test because what does chess and lovemaking have to do with one another? Well, actually a lot! But you'll have to take this sex test to find out for sure.
Test Your STD Smarts is another super important STD related sex test. We started this list with an STD test so we thought we would end with one as well. We can't stress how important it is to stay knowledgeable on STDs so be sure to take this test!